Christian Education for Adults


Do you desire to know more of God and how to follow Jesus?  How do you desire to grow?  What would you like to learn?  The Spiritual Growth mission team is planning to continue the monthly Rector’s Forum that we began this summer as well as several Bible Studies and a book study for this fall.  If you have suggestions for topics, please let Kristine Weires or Mother Christina know.

Sept. 12, 7-8pm – Wed. night Bible/book study with a topic to be determined by the group.

Sept. 13, 1:45-3pm – Thurs. afternoon Bible/book study following Thurs. Eucharist.

Sept. 26, 11:30-12:30pm – Wed. lunch Bible study continues the study of the Gospel of John.  Bring your lunch and join us for this monthly discussion applying the gospel to our lives.


Posted on August 30, 2018 .