Rector's Forum Sunday, November 11th at 9am



The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.  All we need to do is stop and notice and give thanks.

Come learn more about gratitude and how we can practice this spiritual discipline together.


Posted on November 1, 2018 .

All Saints' and All Souls' Sunday


Our All Saints and All Souls Service is this Sunday, November 4th at 8am and at 10am. We will read the names of our loved ones who have gone before us..

In our annual observance of All Saints’ Day, and the Commemoration of All Faithful Departed we make those words a tangible reality in the here and now by recognizing and celebrating our relationship, not only with those around us today, but also with all those who have gone before us in all times and places.


Posted on November 1, 2018 .

Bishop's Visit This Sunday, October 28th, at 9am.

Join us this Sunday, October 28th, for ONE SERVICE at 9am. We will welcome Bishop John Tarrant and family for his last visit to Good Shepherd before he retires in 2019. We will celebrate the visit with a confirmation and 2 reaffirmations during the service with a brunch put on by our Parish Life Team to follow. 

Posted on October 24, 2018 .

October's Rector's Forum

Please join us on October 21st, in-between our services at 9am, as Allan Saugstad joins us to talk about all things ‘Glory House’. He’ll be sharing all the exciting things happening with the Glory House situated here in Sioux Falls.

The Glory House, is a residential reentry program for men and women who have been incarcerated and are trying to reenter into the community. The organization has many high-quality programs for the clients and a staff that implements the programming to help the clients reduce the risk factors they may encounter. We are accredited with the SD Department of Social Services and the American Correction Association.

The local community has been very supportive and provides many opportunities for the clients to connect with different groups. Employers utilize our clients for jobs and they integrate back into the community through many other groups, like Church, AA, NA, etc.

The residential program has an approximate completion rate of 73%, and their risk to recidivate is reduced, also. Some of them come out of prison with nothing but the clothes on their back. The Glory House helps them to get jobs, housing and transportation so they can get back on track to a crime and drug-free life. The counseling and guidance is the key to success, together the staff and the client identifies risk factors and develops success strategies. They monitor the decrease in these risk factors as they move to greater independence and success in the community.

Posted on October 11, 2018 .

Stewardship Brunch


Join us this Sunday, October 7th, between services at 9am for our Stewardship Brunch featuring Mary’s homemade donuts!

Posted on October 3, 2018 .



5:30pm to 8:30pm

Please join us for a party to celebrate the end of summer. Fun for all ages. Live music provided by Mogen’s Heroes.

Chislic, Pork Sandwiches, Hotdog

Bouncy House, Yard Games, Face Painting

Bring your lawn chair and join us for the evening!

Tickets are $15.00 ($5.00 children 12 and under)

(Meal includes choice of entrée, chips, and dessert. Pop, water or lemonade $1.00

Advanced tickets are $12.00. Contact the church (332-1474)

Posted on September 11, 2018 .

Christian Education for Adults


Do you desire to know more of God and how to follow Jesus?  How do you desire to grow?  What would you like to learn?  The Spiritual Growth mission team is planning to continue the monthly Rector’s Forum that we began this summer as well as several Bible Studies and a book study for this fall.  If you have suggestions for topics, please let Kristine Weires or Mother Christina know.

Sept. 12, 7-8pm – Wed. night Bible/book study with a topic to be determined by the group.

Sept. 13, 1:45-3pm – Thurs. afternoon Bible/book study following Thurs. Eucharist.

Sept. 26, 11:30-12:30pm – Wed. lunch Bible study continues the study of the Gospel of John.  Bring your lunch and join us for this monthly discussion applying the gospel to our lives.


Posted on August 30, 2018 .