Good Shepherd Foyer Group Potluck
The Foyer groups are meeting on Sunday, Feb. 24th from 12:30pm - 2pm at Good Shepherd. All are welcome. Come and see what a foyer group is all about. Call Mary (201-2926) for more information.
Good Shepherd at the Stampede Game
Young Adult Discussion Group
A young adult group will be meeting here on Wednesdays starting Feb. 13th at 7pm. Please join them.
Rector's Forum- Sunday, February 10 at 9am.
Kristine Weires will be talking about relationship communications and how to respond NOT react.
Sunday, January 27th, 2019 after our 8am service
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE at 5pm. Please join us on MONDAY, December 24th!
Greening of the Church
Join us on Sunday, December 16th after our 10am Service for the Greening of the Church! Share in fellowship, laughter and lunch!
1st Advent Sermon - December 2, 2018
Please join us on Saturday, Dec. 8th from 1-3pm at The Church of the Good Shepherd for our Advent Party for Kids! BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! We will do cookie baking and decorating, singing, and an Advent lesson and craft. Please RSVP by calling the church office (332.1474) or emailing us at